Role of IOT and Blockchain Technology in the Growth of Digital HRM Transformation as a Function of Management

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Sroojani Mohanty, Shiva choudhary, Muralidhar L B, Amit Jain, K. Suresh Kumar, Gautam Sen


This study examines how IoT and Blockchain technology have transformed digital Human Resource Management (HRM), focusing on management tasks. A rigorous technique of quantitative measures, mathematical modelling, and statistical analytics reveals digital HRM transformation processes. Results show that HR operations were automated more, improving operational efficiency and cost savings. The link between digital HRM transformation and employee happiness shows IoT and Blockchain's human-centric advantages. Mathematical models like the Digital HRM Transformation Model and Management Function Model show that management is crucial to transformations. The results add to theoretical frameworks like the Digital HRM Framework and the Resource-Based View, providing practical insights for HR professionals and organizational leaders navigating the digital HRM world. Industry-specific applications, longitudinal studies, ethical issues, and the integration of developing technologies set the framework for future research in the dynamic convergence of technology and HRM.

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