Key Success Factors of Technology-Driven Startups in India: An Empirical Study

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Jaimin Patel, Purnendu Kumar Patra, Himanshu Vaishnaw, Sephalika Sagar


The main success criteria impacting technology-driven startups in India are examined in this abstract. In the active Indian startup environment of the 2000s, these ventures are successful because of several important factors. First and foremost, it's crucial to have a solid grasp of the dynamics of the local market and consumer behavior. Profitable companies use this information to customize their technology solutions to solve particular problems and satisfy the particular requirements of the Indian population. Second, strategic alliances and joint ventures are essential. Entrepreneurs who create mutually beneficial partnerships with well-established industry participants, financiers, and mentorship networks frequently attain a competitive advantage. These alliances give invaluable insights, counsel, and networking possibilities in addition to financial support. Moreover, flexibility and agility are essential qualities for surviving in the quickly changing technology environment. Forward-thinking startups consistently stay ahead of the curve when they show flexibility in adapting their business strategies and embracing evolving technologies. A focus on innovation and ongoing research and development also distinguishes successful technology-driven enterprises. Long-term success is more likely for those that make investments in R&D and staying on the cutting edge of technology. Last but not least, a startup's success depends on having a strong and visionary leadership team that can overcome obstacles, provide a great work environment, and motivate teams. This abstract offers a succinct synopsis of the complex factors that, within the given timeframe, contributed to the success of technology-driven companies in India. Study survey was conducted among 271 entrepreneurs from different entrepreneurial sectors to know Key Success Factors of Technology-Driven Startups in India and found that Innovation and Uniqueness, Scalability, Adaptability and Access to Talent are the Key Success Factors of Technology-Driven Startups in India.

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